Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The funny little man.

I met a little man on the street yesterday. A funny little man with a lip ring & I'm pretty sure two too many fingers. He counted clouds in Base 12.

The funny little man with the lip ring & I'm pretty sure two too many fingers, he tried to hire me as his lawyer.

I said I'm not a lawyer & don't know a thing about the law.

//Aren't you?\\ he asked me. //Aren't you that arrogant chick? Roundabout 32 years old? Red-haired attorney? Stands about 5'7" & gets a lot of speeding tickets?\\

I looked at him like he was speaking Chinese, which is a language I do not know. //No.\\ I said. //I am a 39-year old hermit saint. Heresiarch extraordinaire. Dark hair. 5'1". Masked.\\

How is it a body comes to make a mistake such as that, with me standing right there & all?

Maybe on top of the dozen-or-so fingers, maybe he was blind, too. Some guys have all the luck.

I met a little man on the street yesterday who mistook me - ME! - for a young urban professional. He wasn't all that funny, actually, when you get right down to it. I don't know quite why I ever said he was.

After I met him, I went home & painted what I figured the mythical red-haired lawyer probably looked like. Some redheads are witches.

Watch the skies for their brooms!


  1. Hey - I just draw what I see. It's not my fault if the world is weird.

  2. Hey - the world is weird.


  3. It keeps things interesting. There's no way to figure it all out in 80 years.

  4. the difference between you and the redhead seems great enough that it wasn't just a case of mistaken identity. Possibilities for the misidentification could be from Alzheimers, dimensia, old age, lead poisoning, … or possibly just self delusion most likely this redhead played a major role in inducing. So if it were the latter, witchcraft isn't too far off.

  5. "Alzheimers, dimensia, old age, lead poisoning, … or possibly just self delusion" -

    You mean on the part of the funny little man, not me, right?

  6. ...on the part of the "funny" little man and as instigated by that redhead... but no, not you! Heavens no, not you!

  7. Thank you for stopping by, Rob! I want to use this site instead of Multiply. But I need encouragement.

  8. You're very welcome. It's my pleasure. I'm liking very much! So I'm hoping for more and that you'll please continue with more posts. Thank you.

  9. It's completely different than that OTHER blog I had, once upon a time.

    The slow traffic thus far is all about the mask.

    People like boobs more than masks, apparently.

  10. "boobs more than masks"?? lol I never thought I'd have that choice to make in my life. hahaha

    I know you have the boobs, and how great they are, so the mask is just icing on the cake ;P if you were a cake with b(.)(.)bs and a mask?! :)) Well, you know what I mean!!

  11. I know. Put a bag over her head and have your fun, right?

  12. That's so harsh, LOL. My comment does come off that way now that I read it back, haha. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but it wasn't that. I was thinking role playing with masks as props. A mask of your face to go over that mask would certainly be less freaky.... oh this whole thing's sounding pretty freaky now.

  13. Don't let me put you on a guilt trip. I twisted your words.

    A little bit.

    Didn't take much, but I DID twist them.

  14. Well your comment made me laugh, so I wasn't feeling THAT guilty :)

    There's probably a couple out there somewhere enjoying the bag-over-head thing right now so who am I to judge lol

  15. I live right around the corner from a place that sells leather hoods that zip up the front, leaving the wearer completely bound and blinded.

    I asked the priorietor how well they sell.

    He said, "Oh, you'd be surprised."

  16. That is convenient. Thank you for relaying the findings of your inquiry.
