Saturday, February 13, 2010


It finally happened.

Last night. I knew it was going to happen but I did not know that it was going to happen last night.

What happened is that I got banned from Kroger. Kroger is the big grocery chain where I buy all the food I eat. But last night I got banned & now I am unable to go back & buy more food.

This is bad, & it's bad because not eating any more food is not what you might call a viable option for me.

Maybe I can start growing my own food right here in my apartment. That would show those Kroger bastards.

Probably not, though. I can't see me managing to grow grapes & bananas & spinach & potatoes all inside this tiny apartment.

Besides, for that I'd need to go buy soil & seeds & maybe some heat lamps, & getting banned from the nursery down the street is the last thing I need right now.

Maybe I can order all my food online & have it delivered. There's got to be somebody in the greater Temixoch area who offers this service.

All this talk of food has made me hungry, which is unfortunate because what is in the fridge right this minute has got to last me for the foreseeable future.


  1. Hey.

    There's always Whole (Paycheck) Foods.

    Say 'hi' to Xochipilli.

  2. The Aztecs could have grown their own damn food.

  3. Kroger banned you? the bastards. Start shopping at WalMart. have you seen the pics going around labeled "people of WalMart"? No chance on earth that you'll ever be banned from there ;o) :oP

  4. I now have this horrible fear that I'm going to be featured on a "People of Kroger" site.

    Sulking outside.

    In my mask.
