Sunday, February 21, 2010




  1. An interesting tweak on the whole god-concept. I know. "Interesting" is a chicken-word; it tastes like everything - or nothing. Still....

    I'd go a step further.


    was in our heads.

    all along....

  2. I liked writing this one - plus I have found that you don't get a lot of cool atheistic creative writing. It's kind of the anti-creative vehicle, god-wise.

    I know a Catholic priest who would agree with you about God being in our heads the whole time. This priest is kind of a Platonic type, you see. He believes that the divine reaches into the world through our heads. Ideal state outward/downward to the crap around us.

  3. "Nic Cage movies" lol

    That's interesting view point to consider. Thanks.

    Thoughts and questions about When What and Where god is have always interested me. Probably because I don't pose them myself or think about it much otherwise.

    Like, I found Joan Osbourne's song, "If God Was One of Us," fascinating.

  4. I like this one. If I ever have a compliation of my writings, I would like to put this up front.

  5. It would be a good preface/context when reading your other writings.
